折紙がつなぐ芸術・科学・産業 2024


場所:東京大学 本郷地区キャンパス 弥生講堂一条ホール




Origami Bridging Art, Science & Industry 2024

Date: 2024 August 12th (national holiday) 10:00-17:00

Place: Yayoi Auditorium Ichijo Hall, Faculty of Agriculture Campus, The University of Tokyo

Organized by: "Universal Origami" (Transformative Research Areas (B))

Supported by: Japan Origami Academic Society, Art Center, the University of Tokyo

Admission free; registration required (from the form below)


Ekaterina Lukasheva, Alison Grace Martin, Klara Mundilova, Alfonso Parra Rubio


Ekaterina Lukasheva, Alison Grace Martin, Klara Mundilova, Alfonso Parra Rubio

Shigeru Kondo, Jun Maekawa, Yoshiyuki Miyamae

Tomohiro Tachi, Sachiko Ishida, Koya Narumi, Kazuya Saito, Daiki Kanaoka





Origami, a traditional Japanese art form, is attracting attention as the key to realizing new artifacts that adapt their form and function to meet the needs at each moment. The principle of origami is also ubiquitous in nature and produces complex functions, such as the folding of DNA and proteins, insect wings, brain wrinkles, and plant leaves and flowers.

This symposium, "Origami Bridging Art, Science, and Industry," features origami as the catalyst to promote the development of an academic community for the ubiquitous origami science and pervasive origami engineering.




折紙学会主催 折紙探偵団コンベンション2024

Collaboration Event

2024 August 10th (Sat) -- 2024 August 11th (Sun)

Japan Origami Academic Society Origami Tanteidan Convention 2024

登壇者プロフィール/ Speaker Profiles

エカテリーナ・ルカシェヴァ Ekaterina Lukasheva


Born in Moscow, Russia in 1986, Lives in USA. 

She specializes in modular and curved fold origami. She loves to create complex looking origami with easy building blocks. She believes that half of origami's beauty lies in the pleasurable folding experience.

アリソングレースマーティン Alison Grace Martin


Alison Martin is an independent researcher living in Italy. She studied Graphic Design and Visual Communication at Exeter College of Art and St. Martin's College of Art and Design. Her work involves the analysis of geometry and topology in traditional weaving patterns leading to lighter, more flexible designs at diverse scales. She has worked and taught in Europe and USA university faculties and research groups within the fields of art and design, architecture, mechanical and structural engineering and computational design."

クララ・ムンディロバ Klara Mundilova


Klara is passionate about geometry and computational origami. She recently completed her Ph.D. in Computer Science at MIT and holds a master’s degree in Mathematics from TU Wien. Klara writes software for curved crease origami design and enjoys interdisciplinary collaboration, often working with architects and designers.

アルフォンソ・パッラ・ルビオ Alfonso Parra Rubio

MIT Center for Bits and Atoms博士課程
PhD Student at MIT Center for Bits and Atoms

アルフォンソ・パッラ・ルビオは、MIT Center for Bits and Atomsの博士課程学生です。折りのデザインと製造方法を研究しており、紙以外の材料、特に金属を用いたメタマテリアルやセルラー構造の製造に取り組んでいます。アルフォンソのメカニカルデザインへの情熱は、コンセプトからシミュレーション、施工のデザインまで広がっています。


2019年にMITで研究を始めたアルフォンソは、折り紙と構造設計の専門知識をさらに深めています。彼はメイカーとしても活躍し、その興味は大規模な金属や木製の折り構造作品、そしてガラス吹きなどに広がっています。プロジェクトについては、www.aprubio.com で詳細を見ることができます。

Alfonso Parra Rubio is a PhD student at the MIT Center for Bits and Atoms, where he researches folded designs and manufacturing methods for producing metamaterials and cellular structures using non-paper materials, primarily metals. His passion for mechanical design spans from initial concept through simulation to physical construction. Alfonso's interest in origami for structural and engineering applications started during his undergraduate years after attending a lecture on origami and architecture. Since then, his work has focused on folding techniques, including their application as aerospace core materials and in non-planar folded antennas for Airbus. In 2019, Alfonso began his graduate studies at MIT, further developing his expertise in origami and structural design. Within this academic environment, he has also exploited his role as a maker, creating large-scale metallic and wooden folded pieces, as well as glass blowing. You can follow his projects at www.aprubio.com.

近藤 滋(こんどうしげる)Shigeru Kondo

大阪大学 生命機能研究科 教授
Osaka univ. graduate school of frontier-biosciences, professor

近藤 滋(こんどう しげる、1959年〈昭和34年 )は、日本の生命科学者。医学博士(京都大学)。世界で最初に生物の縞模様がチューリング・パターンであることを実証。色素細胞の相互作用で縞が変化することも解明した。「日本の研究を考えるガチ議論」サイトを創設し、キリンの斑論争やエッシャーのだまし絵についても造詣が深い。2023年現在大阪大学大学院生命機能研究科教授。京都大学医化学教室講師、徳島大学教授、理化学研究所チームリーダー、名古屋大学教授、日本分子生物学会第36回年会長、同会理事などを歴任。第2回小林賞受賞者。

Shigeru Kondo (born 1959) is a Japanese life scientist and holds a Doctor of Medical Science degree from Kyoto University. He was the first in the world to demonstrate that the stripes in biological organisms are a Turing pattern. He also elucidated that the interaction of pigment cells causes these stripes to change. Kondo founded the site "Japan Research Discussion Forum" and has profound knowledge about the giraffe stripe debate and Escher's impossible drawings. As of 2023, he is a professor at the Graduate School of Frontier Biosciences, Osaka University. He has held various positions, including lecturer at Kyoto University's Department of Medical Chemistry, professor at Tokushima University, team leader at RIKEN, professor at Nagoya University, chairman of the 36th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan, and director of the same society. He is also a recipient of the 2nd Kobayashi Award.

前川 淳(まえかわじゅん)Jun Maekawa

日本折紙学会 評議員
Board  member of Japan  Origami Academic Society


A Pioneer of origami art with geometric designs. Author of "Viva !Origami" (1983 Editor:Kunihiko Kasahara), "Genuine Origami" (2008), "The Art & Science of Geometric Origami" (2022) and others

宮前 義之(みやまえよしゆき)
Yoshiyuki Miyamae


1976年東京都生まれ。2001年三宅デザイン事務所に入社し、三宅一生が率いたA-POCの企画チームに参加。その後ISSEY MIYAKEの企画チームに加わり、2011年から19年までISSEYMIYAKEのデザイナーを務めた。2021年にスタートした新ブランド「A-POC ABLE ISSEY MIYAKE」では、エンジニアリングチームを率いて、A-POCの更なる研究開発に取り組む

Born in 1976. Joined the Miyake Design Studio in 2001 and worked as a member of the original team that started A-POC, which was led by Issey Miyake. Later, he joined the design team of ISSEY MIYAKE and became the designer of ISSEY MIYAKE from 2011 to 2019. For the new brand A-POC ABLE ISSEY MIYAKE, he leads a team of experts to engage in further R&D for A-POC.